Renforcement de la prise en charge décentralisée des enfants vivant avec le VIH au Sénégal


Trying to Reduce the Margin in HERO Section


The margins in this first section is huge and we are trying to reduce it so the page doesn’t have a huge empty space, but when we move the margins to -250+, the buttons in the first 3-4 rows won’t work anymore.

The only way the buttons will work is when its not on top of the margins. Can you please help?

rc13 Traitement

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Cumque montes! Nisl voluptas, eu ipsam primis tempora, nam reiciendis felis vivamus, atque consequat. Provident egestas recusandae nunc? Penatibus donec. Hendrerit aliquid dolore curabitur perferendis massa commodo?


You can reduce the Hero section space with applying the below custom CSS-

#theme-banner-four .main-wrapper {
    padding: 290px 0 260px;

This padding is the default padding. You can set it yourself as you want.


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